Gold Star Pro is a white label of the all-in-one sales and marketing platform, "High Level". If you are considering switching to High Level, you MUST choose your white label agency carefully. There are MANY people jumping onto the agency bandwagon and the level of support you receive and the charges you are billed vary WILDLY!
That's why I am a proud partner of Gold Star Pro.
Karen, the founder is a digital nomad and worldschooler who has built and grown her business online. She gets it.
She has shown up every day for her people since I signed up in 2022. She personally helped all of her customers navigate the email deliverability changes in Januart 2024 and the level of daily training, coaching and support her and her team deliver goes beyond any other agency I have seen in this space over the 2 years I have been immersed in the HL world.
© 2010-2025 Apples to Oranges Ltd t/as Veronica Pullen.
All Rights Reserved.
The crowns background graphic was designed by Victoria Rodgers:
PLEASE NOTE: I am an affiliate for the companies listed in the "Recommendations" section. Therefore, after doing your own due diligence, should you go on to purchase one of the recommended resources on this page, I will receive a small commission. I have personally bought and used every tool and software I recommend so if you have any questions before buying, please reach out to me via my website.